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Soil Moisture Maps.
NDVI & EVI Maps.
Growth Stage Estimations.
Anywhere in the world.

Our mission is to provide affordable and accessible precision agriculture technologies to small and medium-sized farmers worldwide. We aim to empower farmers with cutting-edge tools and data-driven insights to optimize crop production, enhance resource efficiency, and increase yields. By leveraging satellite imagery and advanced analytics, we fulfill our commitment to support farmers in making informed decisions, reducing costs, and fostering sustainable agricultural practices, ultimately contributing to global food security and improved livelihoods.
Our data is scourced from the Google Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 satelites
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What Alpa does for you

High Quality Data Scourcing

Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 are part of the Copernicus program’s constellation of Earth observation satellites. Sentinel-1 provides radar data, which is invaluable for monitoring soil moisture, surface deformation, and other land and water applications. Sentinel-2 delivers high-resolution optical imagery, capturing detailed information across 13 spectral bands. Together, these satellites provide comprehensive data that enhances our ability to monitor agricultural landscapes and support precision farming efforts.

Interactive NDVI maps

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) maps are a vital tool for assessing plant health and vigor. By analyzing the difference between near-infrared and visible light reflected by vegetation, NDVI provides insights into plant growth and biomass. Our NDVI maps help farmers identify areas of their fields that may need additional attention, whether due to water stress, nutrient deficiencies, or other factors affecting crop health.

Interactive EVI maps

Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) maps offer an improved measure of vegetation density and greenness. Unlike NDVI, EVI accounts for atmospheric conditions and canopy background signals, providing more accurate assessments in areas with dense vegetation. Our EVI maps are particularly useful for monitoring crop development, detecting anomalies, and making informed decisions about irrigation and fertilization.

Interactive Soil Moisture Maps

Soil moisture maps provide critical information about the water content in the soil, which is essential for understanding crop health and optimizing irrigation. By using data from radar satellites like Sentinel-1, we can accurately estimate soil moisture levels across large agricultural areas. This information helps farmers manage water resources efficiently, reduce water usage, and improve crop yields.

Accurate Yeild Predictions

Yield predictions are essential for planning and managing agricultural operations. Our yield prediction models utilize a combination of satellite data, including NDVI, EVI, and soil moisture, along with historical crop data and weather patterns. These models provide accurate forecasts of crop yields, enabling farmers to make informed decisions about harvesting, marketing, and logistics. By anticipating yield outcomes, farmers can optimize their operations and maximize profitability.